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Sewer Rate Change 8/15/2022

Monday, August 15, 2022, the RWD Board met in Special Meeting to discuss the sewer rate that went into effect in April 2022 including its impact, current and future, upon the community.

The Board had established a volumetric rate based on guidance from the state. Unfortunately, the state official who made the recommendation was under the impression that everyone had two meters; a potable (house) and irrigation (outdoor use) meter. That was the way the early portions of Pecan Valley were developed but most of our residents who are on our sewer have only one meter. The difference is that with two meters, only the water used in the house gets charged the sewer volumetric rate while the water used on the lawn, in the pool, and washing cars, etc. does not get charged a sewer rate.

The Board voted to rescind the Sewer Volumetric Rate, retroactive one month. On a second vote, they established the monthly Flat Rate at $36 in order to meet the current financial requirements of operating the sewer system.

The amount of your sewer bill last month that exceeded $36 will be CREDITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT to reduce your next month’s bill.


If you wonder why operating our sewer is so expensive, we are still removing over 4 TONS of wipes, grease, feminine products, condoms, diapers, etc. from the sewer EVERY WEEK. None of these things should ever be flushed down your toilet and grease should never be rinsed down your sink!

Other than toilet paper, if it doesn’t come out of your body, it should never be flushed! When you flush these things, we have to physically REMOVE it from the sewer before the sewage reaches our sewer lagoons.